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What We Expect Forms Our Interpretation of What We Experience
"I think we have all heard the saying, “Perception is the reality.” What this statement is saying is how we think about a particular thing or event is what we believe to be true. This comes in many forms, and in today’s world of extreme media bias and misinformation, it’s played out on the world stage. But let’s look at what this alternate view of reality means closer to our everyday world What this statement is saying is how we think about a particular thing or event is what we believe to be true. This comes in many forms, and in today’s world of extreme media bias and misinformation, it’s played out on the world stage. But let’s look at what this alternate view of reality means closer to our everyday world."
Decomposition Rates Slow with Increased Blood Loss
I was recently asked a question concerning decomposition rates when the body has suffered significant blood loss. I have to admit; I didn’t completely know the answer.
Catching Liars During an Investigation
It is said that dead men tell no lies. While that is undoubtedly true, live men tell lies and so do women. Quite possibly, the most lies are told to law enforcement professionals. It doesn’t take a rookie long to catch on to the “I only had two beers,” or, “These aren’t my pants, and that’s not my crack pipe,” or, “I don’t know how that pot got in my pocket,” and many other, seemingly endless, blatant lies
Calculating Target Availability in Shooting Investigations
Most often, many shootings are committed in areas where there is ample space, providing minimal cover, for subjects involved in these dynamic events. However, on occasion, some shootings occur where a ‘target’ presents itself for only a short time. Such variables can complicate the investigation as involved subjects and witnesses may convey facts that seem legitimate, but mathematically, cannot be substantiated. However, with a few measurements and calculations, an investigator can determine if a given target’s availability would be probable in a shooting.
Eight Secrets to a Happier Home Life
Statistically, most women and men who work in death investigations or emergency services have a spouse. But as an instructor/trainer for these industries, a marriage coach, and marriage veteran of over thirty years, it saddens me to see how many home lives are in serious disarray. The number of verified affairs, divorces, and careers negatively impacted by trouble with a spouse is staggering. But it doesn’t have to stay this way. As you’ll soon learn, I’m passionate about turning these statistics upside down.

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About Death Investigator

A digital magazine focused on the death investigation community. Dedicated to improving skills and enriching lives of investigators. Serving a wide range of professions; coroners, medical examiners, police, pathologist, pathology assistants, forensic nurses, private investigators, and more.

Category: Careers, Education, Medical, Personal Development
Publisher: Death Investigator
Published: Quarterly
Language: English

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Many magazines are distributed every month directed at law enforcement in general. Lacking in the industry are publications focusing on the jobs and lives of... read more

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